EPA-Fulbright Scholar 2021-2022
Iseult Sheehy comes from a background in the creative sector in Ireland and Australia across the music, theatre and design industries. During tours of China and Canada, Iseult became very engaged with issues surrounding the climate and biodiversity crises and decided to retrain in order to work in this area. Iseult now holds a Masters in Sustainable Development and a BA in Economics and Political Science from Trinity College Dublin where has worked as part of the sustainability team since 2020. She is the Executive Coordinator of environmental NGO Natural Capital Ireland where she manages the implementation of Natural Capital Ireland's strategy and operations and leads projects related to natural capital and ecosystem services accounting, novel conservation finance products, national biodiversity policy development and biodiversity promotion within the business sector. Iseult's research interests include Reorientation of Euro-Western sustainability approaches away from the capitalist model; Policy for nature using intrinsic value systems and fostering connection to land for second peoples and city dwellers.
Iseult is delighted to be joining the Indigenous Design and Planning Institute at the school of Architecture and Planning at UNM to learn about the school's approaches to development and sustainability through the lens of the Seven Generations philosophy. Iseult will be working with Professor Jojola's team to create novel economic opportunities for creative practitioners in the Navajo community.